76 research outputs found

    Emotion classification in Parkinson's disease by higher-order spectra and power spectrum features using EEG signals: A comparative study

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    Deficits in the ability to process emotions characterize several neuropsychiatric disorders and are traits of Parkinson's disease (PD), and there is need for a method of quantifying emotion, which is currently performed by clinical diagnosis. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, being an activity of central nervous system (CNS), can reflect the underlying true emotional state of a person. This study applied machine-learning algorithms to categorize EEG emotional states in PD patients that would classify six basic emotions (happiness and sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust) in comparison with healthy controls (HC). Emotional EEG data were recorded from 20 PD patients and 20 healthy age-, education level- and sex-matched controls using multimodal (audio-visual) stimuli. The use of nonlinear features motivated by the higher-order spectra (HOS) has been reported to be a promising approach to classify the emotional states. In this work, we made the comparative study of the performance of k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers using the features derived from HOS and from the power spectrum. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that power spectrum and HOS based features were statistically significant among the six emotional states (p < 0.0001). Classification results shows that using the selected HOS based features instead of power spectrum based features provided comparatively better accuracy for all the six classes with an overall accuracy of 70.10% ± 2.83% and 77.29% ± 1.73% for PD patients and HC in beta (13-30 Hz) band using SVM classifier. Besides, PD patients achieved less accuracy in the processing of negative emotions (sadness, fear, anger and disgust) than in processing of positive emotions (happiness, surprise) compared with HC. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of applying machine learning techniques to the classification of emotional states in PD patients in a user independent manner using EEG signals. The accuracy of the system can be improved by investigating the other HOS based features. This study might lead to a practical system for noninvasive assessment of the emotional impairments associated with neurological disorders

    Comparative study of nonlinear properties of EEG signals of a normal person and an epileptic patient

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    Background: Investigation of the functioning of the brain in living systems has been a major effort amongst scientists and medical practitioners. Amongst the various disorder of the brain, epilepsy has drawn the most attention because this disorder can affect the quality of life of a person. In this paper we have reinvestigated the EEGs for normal and epileptic patients using surrogate analysis, probability distribution function and Hurst exponent. Results: Using random shuffled surrogate analysis, we have obtained some of the nonlinear features that was obtained by Andrzejak \textit{et al.} [Phys Rev E 2001, 64:061907], for the epileptic patients during seizure. Probability distribution function shows that the activity of an epileptic brain is nongaussian in nature. Hurst exponent has been shown to be useful to characterize a normal and an epileptic brain and it shows that the epileptic brain is long term anticorrelated whereas, the normal brain is more or less stochastic. Among all the techniques, used here, Hurst exponent is found very useful for characterization different cases. Conclusions: In this article, differences in characteristics for normal subjects with eyes open and closed, epileptic subjects during seizure and seizure free intervals have been shown mainly using Hurst exponent. The H shows that the brain activity of a normal man is uncorrelated in nature whereas, epileptic brain activity shows long range anticorrelation.Comment: Keywords:EEG, epilepsy, Correlation dimension, Surrogate analysis, Hurst exponent. 9 page

    Nonlinear analysis of EEG signals at different mental states

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    BACKGROUND: The EEG (Electroencephalogram) is a representative signal containing information about the condition of the brain. The shape of the wave may contain useful information about the state of the brain. However, the human observer can not directly monitor these subtle details. Besides, since bio-signals are highly subjective, the symptoms may appear at random in the time scale. Therefore, the EEG signal parameters, extracted and analyzed using computers, are highly useful in diagnostics. This work discusses the effect on the EEG signal due to music and reflexological stimulation. METHODS: In this work, nonlinear parameters like Correlation Dimension (CD), Largest Lyapunov Exponent (LLE), Hurst Exponent (H) and Approximate Entropy (ApEn) are evaluated from the EEG signals under different mental states. RESULTS: The results obtained show that EEG to become less complex relative to the normal state with a confidence level of more than 85% due to stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: It is found that the measures are significantly lower when the subjects are under sound or reflexologic stimulation as compared to the normal state. The dimension increases with the degree of the cognitive activity. This suggests that when the subjects are under sound or reflexologic stimuli, the number of parallel functional processes active in the brain is less and the brain goes to a more relaxed stat

    Long-Range Temporal Correlations Reflect Treatment Response in the Electroencephalogram of Patients with Infantile Spasms

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    Infantile spasms syndrome is an epileptic encephalopathy in which prompt diagnosis and treatment initiation are critical to therapeutic response. Diagnosis of the disease heavily depends on the identification of characteristic electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns, including hypsarrhythmia. However, visual assessment of the presence and characteristics of hypsarrhythmia is challenging because multiple variants of the pattern exist, leading to poor inter-rater reliability. We investigated whether a quantitative measurement of the control of neural synchrony in the EEGs of infantile spasms patients could be used to reliably distinguish the presence of hypsarrhythmia and indicate successful treatment outcomes. We used autocorrelation and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) to measure the strength of long-range temporal correlations in 21 infantile spasms patients before and after treatment and 21 control subjects. The strength of long-range temporal correlations was significantly lower in patients with hypsarrhythmia than control patients, indicating decreased control of neural synchrony. There was no difference between patients without hypsarrhythmia and control patients. Further, the presence of hypsarrhythmia could be classified based on the DFA exponent and intercept with 92% accuracy using a support vector machine. Successful treatment was marked by a larger increase in the DFA exponent compared to those in which spasms persisted. These results suggest that the strength of long-range temporal correlations is a marker of pathological cortical activity that correlates with treatment response. Combined with current clinical measures, this quantitative tool has the potential to aid objective identification of hypsarrhythmia and assessment of treatment efficacy to inform clinical decision-making

    Elman neural networks for dynamic modeling of epileptic EEG.

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    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference16145-614

    Complex dynamics of epileptic EEG

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    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings26 I604-607CEMB

    Erratum: Entropies for detection of epilepsy in EEG (Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2005) 80 (187-194) DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2005.06.012

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    10.1016/j.cmpb.2005.11.001Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine812193-CMPB

    Characterization of EEG - A comparative study

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    10.1016/j.cmpb.2005.06.005Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine80117-23CMPB